brush on block products in front of eye droppers
brush on block

What You Need to Know About Mineral Sunscreen

Over the last few decades, we've learned a lot about the sun's harmful rays. A tan was once touted as being healthy, yet now we know that too much sun exposure causes a number of problems, includi...
small child with kid-friendly brush on block mineral sunscreen
brush on block

Mineral Sunscreen is Kid-Friendly!

Most kids love summer! School is nearly out and swimming and outdoor activities are in. As parents, we know the importance of protecting our kids from the sun's harmful rays year-round, but most o...
Brush On Block image of tattooed woman in the sun
powder sunscreen

Getting Inked: How Tattoos Affect Your Skin

Tattoos have become increasingly popular over the last several years. People get them for a variety of reasons, ranging from self-expression to attention. Whether you've been planning to get one f...
Brush On Block image of person laying poolside with large hat
brush on block

Summer Skin Care Awareness

  Now is the time where the sun is coming out and starts to shine brighter. As you shed a few layers make sure you are conscious of the harsh UV rays that come with the hot sun. Sun damage can lead...
Woman at Beach Using Brush On Block Mineral Sunscreen
brush on block

How to Prepare for a Fun Summer Beach Day

It is here! Summer is finally here. As you shed your layers and hit the beach, you need to make sure you are prepared for a fun-filled summer day. You will need all of the essentials to have a blas...
brush on block image of tanned woman driving in car smiling
brush on block

Convenient Things to Keep in Your Car

Here are some of the best items you can keep in your car to be prepared for whatever situation or curveball life throws at you. Granola bars. Everyone has days when you’re on the go and it feels l...
Brush On Block of mom with sunglasses and little boy
mineral sunscreen

IRA Rays

It’s safe to assume you’ve already been warned about the harmful effects of UVA and UVB rays, which cause the skin to wrinkle, burn, and in some cases cause cancer. But what you probably don’t know...
Brush On Block image of woman studying cheek blemish in hand mirror.
brush on block

True or False: Mythbusting Skincare Home Remedies

Don’t go outside with wet hair or you’ll catch a cold. Too much cheese will give you weird dreams. Chicken soup is a cure-all for colds. These are probably all tales your mother spun to keep you s...
Brush On Block image of woman looking at blemish in mirror
healthy skin

Surviving the Teen Years: A Parents' Guide to Teen Skincare

If you are the parent of a teenager, you know that one of the (many) plights of the teenage years is dealing with acne and breakouts. To a teenager, finding a pimple on picture day or having a sev...