Best Sunscreen
Learn about the Drug Facts on your sunscreen
Did you know that in the US, sunscreen is considered an over-the-counter (OTC) drug product? It is--just like Tylenol, cold medicines, toothpaste and more! Every over-the-counter drug has rules set...

Best Sunscreen
Roadtrip Ready for the Holidays
COVID has changed the way we travel and with multiple holidays in the next few months, finding way to vacation and escape may seem more difficult. Flying is still scary for many and a road trip may...

beauty tips
Do you need SPF indoors? In the car?
It may seem counterintuitive, you won't necessarily feel like you’re in direct sunlight when you are sitting in a sunny room or your car, so it may feel as though sunscreen isn’t necessary. However...

Best Sunscreen
Teaching your children to apply sunscreen
If you have young children you are probably concerned about keeping their skin protected from the sun. After all, studies have shown that sunburns in childhood dramatically increase the odds of dev...

Best Sunscreen
Best Music Festivals and your Festival Must-Haves
Music festivals have boomed in popularity in recent years, mostly taking place during Spring and Summer. With so many festivals out there, it can hard to choose the right one. Since some festivals ...

Best Sunscreen
Sun Protection in the Snow
Many of us love the snow. In colder areas, snow is a daily occurrence during winter, but other areas don’t get as much as hoped for. Whatever your region or experience level with the snow is, it is...
Best Sunscreen
Set Yourself Up for Success in 2020!
As we start a new year, maybe you’ve thought about resolutions. Are any of them different than they were last year, or five years ago? Even ten years ago? What does that say about the strength of r...

Best Sunscreen
Why Wear Sunscreen On A Cloudy Day
You're getting ready for your day, and as you finish your makeup, you reach for your trusty BRUSH ON BLOCK® SPF 30 to set your makeup and protect your skin. But then you glance out the window and s...

Best Sunscreen
A Pre-Fireworks Picnic
It’s almost the Fourth of July and whether you plan to view the fireworks from your city’s designated viewing spot, a nice empty park or field, or the comfort of your own backyard, a picnic dinner ...