PETA Approved - Vegan and Animal Test Free
brush on block

Brush On Block is PETA Approved - Vegan & Animal Test Free

We are proud to announce that Brush On Block is certified by PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) as Animal Test Free and Vegan.  
BRUSH ON BLOCK® image of girl applying BOB KIDS in bathroom mirror.
Best Sunscreen

Teaching your children to apply sunscreen

If you have young children you are probably concerned about keeping their skin protected from the sun. After all, studies have shown that sunburns in childhood dramatically increase the odds of dev...
BRUSH ON BLOCK® image of phones showing UV Index
brush on block

What the UV Index on your Phone Means

You wake up in the morning, grab your phone and check the weather. It is a sunny day in winter, and as you scroll down for details, you see something called "UV Index," which--lucky you--is 0 today...