Brush On Block image of woman with closed eyes in a huge hat

Does Makeup with an SPF Provide Enough Sun Protection?

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We’ve all heard the warnings—never leave the house without sunscreen. Even on cloudy days, we are exposed to dangerous ultraviolet rays responsible for melanoma, as well as skin discoloration, wrinkles and prematurely aged skin.

Many women may think that makeup products which include an SPF are a simple solution to this predicament. Not so fast. Although many foundations now include a sun protection factor, experts say it isn’t enough to safeguard us from the dangers of the sun.

Coverage Conundrums

One of the problems with using foundations with SPF coverage as a defense against the sun’s harsh rays is the way we apply it, and where. You may concentrate on your nose, but skip the hairline all together. Uneven application leaves patches of skin exposed.

In addition, very few women think about applying makeup to their neck and chest, two danger zones that receive a lot of exposure. Makeup also cracks as the day progresses, leaving bare spots. Lack of coverage is one of the leading reasons we get burned.

One way to cover those missed spots? Brush On Block®. This Broad Spectrum SPF 30 Mineral Powder Sunscreen can easily cover those spots you missed with foundation. It’s full-coverage, invisible, natural mineral sun protection that you simply brush on—even over makeup. Brush On Block is translucent, so it won’t give you that dreaded chalky white look. Plus, it’s designed to be convenient and portable; simply stash it in your handbag and you can reapply whenever you need, in seconds.

The Rules of Reapplication

When women apply their makeup in the morning, that’s usually it for the day. They may add a swipe of lipstick before a big meeting or a touch of mascara before lunch with a friend, but few repeat the entire process, layer by layer.

Yet, dermatologists recommend reapplying sunscreen every two hours if you’re outside in the sun. This makes solely using makeup with SPF tricky, as you risk dangerous exposure if you haven’t reapplied in several hours. Once again, Brush On Block can come to the rescue here, since you can apply over makeup.

Not just for women, Brush On Block is great for men and kids, especially when you’re on the go. No more battling little ones about sunscreen, since Brush On Block is quickly and easily applied. Perfect for everyday outdoor activities, it’s the convenient solution without the mess.