Brush On Block image of man applying sunscreen to shoulders at the beach

5 Red Hot Sun Protection Mistakes Men Make

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At one point or another, guys always learn the hard way when it comes to protecting their skin from UV rays. Whether we miss a couple spots, apply it too late, or just don’t apply it at all, we’re all guilty of making those sun protection mistakes.

In turn, our bodies penalize us with days of stinging redness all over our shoulders, legs, or other areas where we were too careless to apply sunscreen.

Sure, sunburn can be a temporary inconvenience, but with melanoma rates on the rise amongst men, it’s important that we as vigilant as our female counterparts when it comes to skin protection. Below we’ve listed 5 common sun protection mistakes guys make, and how to avoid them in the future.

1. You Apply It When You’re Outdoors.

Unfortunately, “better late than never” doesn’t cut it here, jack. Sunscreen isn’t fully absorbed into the skin until about 20 minutes after application. During that window, your skin is still vulnerable to those scorching rays, so be sure to apply sunscreen at least twenty minutes before you head outside.

2. Miss the Face and Extremities.

Miss a spot? Possibly on your ears, the back of your neck, or the back of your knees? Yeah, get the arms and shoulders, but be sure to cover any exposed area of skin, especially your face. Facial skin is much more sensitive than the skin on your arms, for instance. Be liberal with your sunscreen, and ask for help when applying it to your back.

Part of the reason guys miss so many spots is because sun tan lotion is a pain in the neck to apply. But with Brush On Block’s easy brush applicator, protecting your skin from the sun is a breeze. 

Brush On Block SPF 30 Mineral Powder Sunscreen is made with naturally derived sunscreen agents offers translucent coverage, so you don’t have to worry any embarrassing residual droops of lotion hanging around your skin. It’s incredibly easy to apply, and is great for protecting your skin from the beach to the ballpark, and everywhere in between.

3. Stay Indoors.

You got cooked like a steak on a fiery grill two weeks ago at the beach, and now you’re hiding indoors until the big mean sun sets. Bad move, mon frère.

Multiple studies over the past decade, including a study in 2002 showed that sun exposure can actually help reduce 16 types of cancer. Since UVB rays are rich in vitamin D, mixing some time in the sun into your day can actually serve as a healthy supplement.

4. SPF Is Too Low.

As a rule of thumb, always go with a sunscreen with SPF of 15 or higher. Sure, you’ll tan faster with an SPF 5 sunscreen, but you’ll also start to look ten years older after a while with all of those wrinkles you’ll develop. Besides, you can still get a great tan with an SPF of 15 or higher, without the wrinkles or sunburn.

5. You Apply It Once.

Unfortunately, each sunscreen application only works for about two hours, so you’ll have to apply it again any time after that. And remember, even if it says “water-resistant,” you still need to apply it again after 80 minutes in the water.

Have any bad sunburn stories to tell? Use the provided space below and share with us any of your big sun protection mistakes. Have a safe and sunburn-free summer.