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6 Bizarre Celebrity Beauty Secrets

Celebrities. We love them, we hate them—we love to hate them.

Despite your love-hate relationship with the rich and famous, you cannot deny that for some reason, they are always looking fabulous. From the red carpet to the silver screen, some celebrities seem to have stopped the clock while others look as though they’ve actually turned back the hands of time! But what is their secret?
Celebrity culture is filled with bizarre, crazy ways to enhance beauty. Some of them work, some of them are bogus and some are just downright entertaining. Superstar personalities will truly go to any lengths to protect their looks, and here we’ve listed a few of Hollywood’s most bizarre beauty secrets.
1. Here kitty, kitty. Reality star Snooki uses kitty litter as an exfoliator. While she swears that it makes her skin smooth and soft, doctors have warned her that the rough particles may cause micro scratches that can lead to inflammation and blotchiness.
2. Tape it off. Lady Gaga is known for her outrageous makeup (and fashion choices … hello meat dress?!). Glitter-based eye makeup can be especially hard to remove, and the Mother Monster uses tape to remove her layers of liquid beauty. Be cautious if you decide to try this one at home. If you have sensitive skin, the tape can cause redness and blotches. Lady G suggests fabric tape for a gentler removal.
3. Vampire facelift. Technically known as Platelet Rush Plasma Therapy, this anti-aging treatment involves having a few tubes of your own blood removed. The administrator then separates the platelets and re-injects them into areas of the face that need plumping by building collagen. Supermodel Gisele Bundchen and reality star Kim Kardashian have both admitted to this over-the-top beauty routine.
4. Mix up the magic. Several celebrities mix up their own magic at home to treat their skin. Model Cindy Crawford makes a mixture of water and milk and sprays her skin with it to keep it hydrated and wrinkle-free. Actress Halle Berry mixes coffee grinds into her body wash, because caffeine works as a cellulite cream.
5. Foul move. Fashion icon Victoria Beckham puts nightingale droppings … yes, you read that right—bird poop—on her face to give her skin a youthful glow. This is a traditional beauty routine practiced by Japanese geishas.
6. Household items. Little did you know that you might be able to treat yourself to celebrity beauty secrets for little to no cost! Actress Sandra Bullock gets her smooth, flawless skin with Preparation H. She puts it on her face, especially under her eyes to avoid lines. Have you ever envied the youthful glow of actress Kate Hudson? It’s easy and cheap … she dunks her face in an ice bath when she needs to revive her glow. She says the longer she can keep her face under, the better.

Honorable mentions: While some celebrities might not own up to their shocking beauty treatments, celebrity makeup artists, dermatologists and stylists have leaked word of treatments such as snake venom for anti-aging, snail slime facials for skin-rejuvenating properties (the slime is also said to cure acne, scars, burns and wrinkles) and even urine facials for clearing up psoriasis and eczema. 

With all of the wild things celebrities do in search of younger-looking skin, they should just consider using Brush On Block® natural SPF 30 mineral powder sunscreen every day. Studies have shown that regular use of sunscreen is one of the best things you can do to keep your skin from showing the signs of aging.